Progression- Phase 1

I have about 3 months left till I get on stage and compete for Miss PA USA! Just thinking about it makes me nervous and excited at the same time.😀 Who knows? I mightl be the next Miss PA USA!👑

During these 3 months, I have to prepare, prepare, and prepare. I can't get tired of preparation. As the pageant is getting closer, I am more than ever dedicated to do all that I can to win it! (I will still be happy even if I place)

People have asked me: how is the pageant preparation coming along? Honestly...... it is not easy. Preparation takes time, dedication and consistency. Those things can be hard to juggle when you work a full time job.

Don't get me wrong, I am enjoying every part of this pageant experience. Every step I take, I learn something new and I meet someone new. If we look at this past month, I have accomplished many things, but it is never enough. Think about it, if you want to be the best, you have to work night and day to be the best!👏

During this past month, I have been focusing on myself by being a healthier me. Each week I try to meal prep, which takes time and dedication. I also try to go to the gym regularly or attend fitness classes. On top of that, I have been talking to past pageant winners to get their advice on how I should prepare for this pageant. I have been very fortunate to talk to some amazing individuals. I talked to Miss New Jersey USA, who was the 1st runner up for Miss USA 2017! I also talked to Miss Northern Virginia 2017, who has an abundant amount of experiences in pageants. These ladies have been very helpful in my journey. They are kind of my pageant mentors lol 

Also, I am learning how to use makeup. 🙋I have to be glamorous on the day of the pageant! I went to a Sephora store with my cousin, Iris, and it was so overwhelming. There were hundreds of options to choose from. I give props to people who know how to do makeup. I need to get on your level lol😅

So, if you are still wondering how I am doing along my pageant journey? I will say I am taking it one step at a time and I will be ready for the day when it comes! Just watch me.😊

With love,
Bertha 💗💜💙💖

P.S. I am still fundraising! Please donate anything you can on my GoFundMe Page! Every bit helps!


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