Miss PA USA Pageant Completed!!

This weekend I competed in the Miss PA USA pageant at the Hyatt Regency Pittsburgh International Airport Hotel!!😁 Lights, cameras and high heels defined my weekend. Who would have thought that I would participate in a pageant of this magnitude, especially the USA pageant!!??

That's my girl by Fifth Harmony is the best way to describe my weekend. This song was played throughout rehearsals 24/7 lol. If you need a hype song, this is the one for you! 😆

Besides the song, this pageant felt like a long and short weekend. How is this possible? The days seem long from rehearsing and preparing, but overall the pageant went by so fast! Now, that it is Thursday, I can't believe this incredible weekend came to an end. Here is a breakdown of what happened.

Before check-in on Friday, I was freaking out. I doubted my judgement for committing to this pageant. I was thinking to myself, why did I sign up for this? Once I parked my car at the hotel's parking lot, I took a deep breath and told myself "this is it." I knew once I walked through those doors I had to make a first good impression.

As I entered through the double doors, I saw gorgeous ladies left and right. I felt my stomach drop. I kind of wanted to turn around, get back in my car and drive back to Philly lol. I thought to myself, wow everyone is so gorgeous! How did I make it to this point?😓

However, I tried to erase all those negative thoughts out of my mind and went to the registration desk to check in. I reminded myself why I was here. I was participating in this pageant because I wanted to spread awareness of body empowerment and inspire others to love their body for what it is. 👍

After I checked in and met my roommate, my nerves faded away. Friday night, we met the 2017 Miss PA USA, 2017 Miss Teen PA USA and other contestants. It was great getting to know everyone. After introductions, we were ready for rehearsals. I had my high heels ready to go! By the end of the day, I realized there was nothing to be scared of. I was happy that I stayed and did not turn around to drive back to Philly. 😅 

6:45am, ring, ring, ring. There was a wake up call, bright and early. I had to wake up earlier than that to do my makeup. I knew it was going to be a long day, but I was so excited and thrilled to see how the day was going to play out. First, we had personal interviews and let me tell you! Those interviews happened within the blink of an eye haha. One question I remembered was the judges asking me to do my favorite dance move, so I danced Bachata. Ayeee!💃 
After interviews, we got ready for swimsuit and evening gown competitions. We had about an hour and half to get ready for each section. Hair, makeup, and outfits had to be ready during this time. Time management was key! You were constantly thinking of a checklist for each section, like do I need this? Did I pack the right shoes? Do I have the right makeup? Do I need Vaseline or lipstick? The list of thoughts and questions kept building up in my mind.
Walking on stage for swimsuit and evening gown was unforgettable. I was embracing every step I took on stage. I was ecstatic to show everyone my selections for swimsuit and evening gown. Once we were finished the three sections: personal interview, swimsuit, and evening gown, I felt relieved. I knew that first rounds of competition were completed and I felt like I gave it my all! I brought my true self and confidence to the stage. 

Last day of competition! Top 15 were selected to compete in swimsuit and evening gown sections again, then it was narrowed down to top 5! This day went by faster than any of the other ones! Everyone backstage was nervous about the results, but Olivia Suchko ending up being the new 2018 Miss PA USA! Congratulations to her! 🎉👑 Right before she was announced the winner, I received the 2018 Miss Congeniality Miss PA USA award, which was a privilege and a honor! For a first timer, I was excited that I was able to bring something back home! #MissCongeniality #KeepSwimming


After this weekend, I met so many extraordinary women that they have inspired me to become a better version of myself. I want to leave the world a better place then it already is. Thank you to all of the contestants I met this weekend, it was truly a honor. It was a great weekend and I miss it already.

This weekend was incredible, empowering and amazing! I hope I was able to inspire someone who is reading this post. The overall message is: Love your body for what it is! The reason I did this pageant is to hopefully inspire women and men to love and embrace their bodies. We are all different, so why try to pursue the "perfect" body that is shown in media, when we can all be the creators of our own unique bodies. Let's have curves, flat, tall, short, round, etc. There is no such thing as a perfect body, the only perfect body that exist is the body that embraces imperfections. I am not your typical pageant girl, but I wanted to prove that your body isn't a limitation to follow your dreams. Bodies shouldn’t be frown upon, but loved. I embraced all my curves and flaws on that stage and I think everyone realized that. Having a healthy lifestyle is important. Just remember, you should want to be a healthier you and not a skinnier you. #BeConfidentlyBeautiful #MostImportantly #BeConfidentlyYou 
After this experience, who knows what I will do next? I am not finished here, this is only the beginning! Stay tune.......😊😅  

Yours Truly,
2018 Miss Congeniality Miss PA USA 💓💙💚💜💛

P.S.: Thanks to all my friends and family who help me get to this point! Love you all! 💓
Follow me on IG: @beeelovespink and Snapchat: beelovespink


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