Healthier Me, Not Skinnier Me!
When you get into the pageant world, it can seem a little overwhelming, especially if you are new to it. There are pressures from many sides and you try to juggle it all. π
One of the pressure for me in this pageant is looking my best during the swimsuit competition. In the pageant, I am scored on three categories: my personal interview, evening gown and swimsuit. When I read the criteria of how I will be scored for each, the swimsuit made me a little nervous. For swimsuit, it said judges will grade me based on how "fit" I look. Fit? How can you determine how fit I am based on how I look? I can be the fittest person on the planet, but my body may not show it.
I wonder to myself, how many other participants have read that and thought to themselves "Hmm, they are going to grade me on how skinny I am." π€When I first read that statement, I initially thought they were looking for someone skinny, but I had to stop myself right there. I have my own definition of fit. Fit doesn't mean being skinny, but it means being a healthier you. Feeling great about yourself and your body. π
When it comes to eating, I try to pick healthier food options. Missing a meal is never an option! You don't have to starve yourself to be a healthier you. I eat 5 meals a day and I feel healthier already. You just have to make sure you are receiving all the nutrients your body needs.
During the swimsuit section, I hope the judges can see my definition of fit, which is being a healthier me. Looks can be deceiving, I hope they can see how happy and confident I am in my body and score me based on that. At the end of day, I know I am going to be a healthier me than I have ever been before!
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