
Showing posts from August, 2017

Progression- Phase 1

I have about 3 months left till I get on stage and compete for Miss PA USA! Just thinking about it makes me nervous and excited at the same time.πŸ˜€ Who knows? I mightl be the next Miss PA USA! πŸ‘‘ During these 3 months, I have to prepare, prepare, and prepare. I can't get tired of preparation. As the pageant is getting closer, I am more than ever dedicated to do all that I can to win it! (I will still be happy even if I place) People have asked me: how is the pageant preparation coming along? Honestly...... it is not easy. Preparation takes time, dedication and consistency. Those things can be hard to juggle when you work a full time job. Don't get me wrong, I am enjoying every part of this pageant experience. Every step I take, I learn something new and I meet someone new. If we look at this past month, I have accomplished many things, but it is never enough. Think about it, if you want to be the best, you have to work night and day to be the best!πŸ‘ During this...

Healthier Me, Not Skinnier Me!

When you get into the pageant world, it can seem a little overwhelming, especially if you are new to it. There are pressures from many sides and you try to juggle it all. 😞 One of the pressure for me in this pageant is looking my best during the swimsuit competition. In the pageant, I am scored on three categories: my personal interview, evening gown and swimsuit. When I read the criteria of how I will be scored for each, the swimsuit made me a little nervous. For swimsuit, it said judges will grade me based on how "fit" I look. Fit? How can you determine how fit I am based on how I look? I can be the fittest person on the planet, but my body may not show it. I wonder to myself, how many other participants have read that and thought to themselves "Hmm, they are going to grade me on how skinny I am." πŸ€”When I first read that statement, I initially thought they were looking for someone skinny, but I had to stop myself right there. I have my own definition of fi...

Vulnerability is Dope!...... said by Jiggy Yoon

Thank you for joining me again for another blog. Sorry for the delay in posting this one. I appreciate every viewer who looks forward to my weekly blogs. πŸ˜€I wouldn’t be telling my story if it weren’t for all of you. You all push me to expand my horizons and write my story. (I know I am not the best writer, but I am trying lol)πŸ˜ƒ This blog is going to be a little different compared to some of the others I have written in the past. I want to give a shout out to one of my good friends Jiggy Yoon.  As a motivational speaker, she encourages people to be vulnerable. Her most powerful message is “ Vulnerability is Dope. ” πŸ‘ When I first heard Jiggy’s message “Vulnerability is Dope,” it made me realize that as a society we need to embrace vulnerability more. People view vulnerability as a weakness, when in reality, it is a strength . Sometimes it is hard to allow ourselves to be vulnerable. " Vulnerability is Dope" shirt from Jiggy Yoon. As I embark on this jo...

My Motivation is.......???

Week 3 is here!  πŸ™‹Wow, I can’t believe it, the weeks are flying by like race cars! As I write this post, I am thinking to myself why did I say I’m going to write weekly blogs? I’m starting to run out of ideas lol If there is something you would like me to write about, please comment below. That way I can keep my blogs interesting!πŸ˜ƒ So week 3, hmmm …. Reflecting on things I still need to still work on….😫          Learning how to use makeup     Walking in 3-6 inch heels     Becoming a healthier me     Fundraising     And soo much more … You might be thinking, how does Bertha keep motivated when she has so much work to do for a pageant that she has never competed in before? There are two things that keep me motivated…. 1)       The hope of inspiring someone during my journey 2)       Teaching people to love their bodies Preparing...