Click Clack and Splish Splash

Click clack, click clack is the sounds of the heels walking on the hardwood floor. 👠Splish Splash, splish splash are the endless swimsuits I am wearing store after store after store. 🏊Who knew this would be a part of my lifestyle? Lately, I feel like I live at the mall lol. I've been there almost every weekend this past month. I've been looking at different heels to wear and it is so hard because there are so many to chose from. How does a woman chose one pair of heels? I can tell you, it is not easy 🤣. You know what is worst than trying on different pair of heels? looking for the right swimsuit! I've tried over dozen and dozen of swimsuits and I still feel like I can't find the one. I sound like I am looking for my husband lol . But no, seriously, when I try on my pageant's swimsuit, I want it to speak to me. I want to feel like BAM, I love it! I am still looking and hoping I have that feeling. I've gone to the mall to try my chances but nothing. I have...